Three Tips To Help You Plan Out the Perfect Deck Addition for Your Florida Home

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The great thing about living in a climate such as that of Jacksonville, FL is that you really can enjoy the outdoors year-round.  Sure, the summer months may get very humid and muggy, but there are plenty of beautiful days where you still want to sit outside and take it all in.  A deck addition is something that can make this all possible as it can add a lot to your home living space, without adding any interior square footage to your actual home.

What you want when you decide to go forward with that deck installation Jacksonville FL is a good plan.  You need to think about things such as the placement of the deck, as well as the size of it.  The material of the deck and what it is going to be made up of also has to come into play in a big way.


Deck Placement

Where do you want your new addition to go as part of your deck installation Jacksonville FL?  When planning out that perfect deck addition, you want that deck to go in the right spot.  Does the location that you are choosing have the right level of privacy that you are looking for?  Is it going to allow for enough space for you to have the deck be as large as you want it to be?  These are a few of the things you want to consider when figuring out where the deck is going to go.  For example, you may have the perfect spot, but perhaps the deck would be off of your master bedroom. Would you want everyone walking through that to get to the deck each time?  These are the things to consider.


Sizing of the Deck

The size of the deck also has to be a big part of the plan.  You probably do not want a deck that is too big because then it is going to dominate your yard and take all of that away.  When the deck is too small though you may not have the space that you want for a table and chairs and all of that type of stuff.  Think about what you want to get out of the deck the most as that is what is going to help dictate how big you need the deck to be.


Material Impacts More Than Cost

The two biggest options that are out there in terms of what material your deck can be made of is that of either wood or composite.  Most people think that the thing that is impacted most when you go from one material to the other is the cost, but there is much more than that.  Composite decks are going to last longer and require much less maintenance, but the thing with these decks is that they are also costly.  A composite deck is probably going to cost you double than a standard wooden deck will cost.  The benefits here though include the fact that composite will stand the test of time better and also give you more back in terms of true value being added onto your home.

That perfect home deck installation Jacksonville FL is more within reach than you probably think.  The great thing about a deck is that it really creates a great social space outside to hang out, enjoy the weather, food, drinks, etc.  We can work with you at ARC so that we can create you that ideal deck design that is also within your budget.  The summer months are a great time for a deck addition as it allows you to get outside more and escape the walls of your home for a bit each day and night.  Sitting out on the deck under the stars is an experience deck-owners rave about and it may be time for you to consider it as well.